Monday, October 26, 2009

Round 15 - The fun continues

Hide and Seek activity. I wrote down 15 fun things I'd like to do and placed the slips of paper in various spots in the house. So far I've come across one- repotted some plants from smaller pots.

Still taking pixs to create my artist's wall. Will post some to this blog when I'm done.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Round 14 - More fun activities

Now this round's list of activities include a link called "Take better breaks." I luvvv breaks. Taking a break not only refreshes me, but improves my vision and thought process. It even enhances my creativity.
So brew the coffee and find a nice spot to take a break!

Another activity tried six-word memoirs:

Blessed, wife, mom lover of life

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Round 13 - Time For Fun

I'm already enjoying some of the fun activities suggested like:

playing with my kids!

losing myself in my hobby!

driving in my car and blasting my music!

I'm planning to work on my summer vacation scrapbook!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Round 12 - Moving Right Along

Wheee I am half way through the OCL challenge!!!!

Other great exercises include swimming and vacuuming at home! Yes one does burn a lot of calories doing each!

I'm moving right along!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Round 11 - Keep Moving

For this one I like the Zen habits blog list of creativity tips that would keep me moving or at least to get me over the yes! slump I am experiencing trying to stay fit.

Round 10 - Vacation + Wellness

I did vacation in the most beautiful island in the Caribbean - Puerto Rico!!!! Surrounded by beaches and a pool so why exercise? Well, while touring the different sights I did walk, walk, and walk. I visited a few museums, beaches (walked along the stretch of the beaches I visited.

The article appropriate to my vacation experience is entitled, "Exercise for different vacations."

Friday, July 24, 2009

Round 9 - Exercise at Work

At circ we are always exercising as we go about our daily tasks. I requested the Torkelson book entitled, "Get fit while you sit" since I always look for the opportunity to sit when I get a chance.

Also, will take a walk during my afternoon break. It does energize me for the rest of the afternoon.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Round 8 - Exercise, Exercise...

For this round I have chosen to walk at least 20 minutes 3x a week around my neighborhood. I seek to really look at the sky and trees and houses as I walk. Take in the fresh air and the quietness of the area.

For ideas and articles I peruse favorite magazines like "Body and Soul" "Real Simple" and the Sparkpeople website.

Round 7 -Stress Free Zones

Some of my stress free zones are:

My 3-person swing in my backyard.

Looking out my bedroom window.

Spending time with my sons.

Round 6 - Stress Therapy

Some of the therapies I tried include:

Art - coloring with crayons

Receiving an inspirational quote every morning - called "Today's inspiration" for instance one quote by Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."

Playing games using my DS more often.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Round Five - Workplace Stress

One of the activities suggested from the article in round 5 post: Put aside extra work.

It is simply a catch-22 if I put off what stresses me I'll become even more stressed when certain things were not done.

I did vow to get some exercise daily. Since my son received a scooter as a birthday gift, we decided to both go out everyday - he ride the scooter and I will follow him walking.

Some small things that give me pleasure include:

  • Do nothing
  • go to bed by midnight
  • watch a comedy show
  • take a walk in my neighborhood
  • quilt
  • say a prayer of thanksgiving

Round Four - Stress

Stress...oohhh that word. Yes stress levels are high during this time in my life. With 2 weeks away from 2 class project deadlines and family events booking every possible "free" moment I would have well there is certainly a reason to be stressed.

So what did I do? Checked out various books on stress. I'm learning to meditate two times per day. (Activity #1)

For activity #2 I've downloaded some of my classical music on CDs into my ipod and listening to it as I work at the computer.

So far so well!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ROUND THREE - More conscious eating

Since I'm a coffee lover, reading about caffeine and it's positive effects really encouraged me to have more of the java!

For the 2nd activity I checked out the Food network's healthy meals webpage:

Also, created a new recipe with as few processed ingredients as possible with chicken cutlets.

First, I sliced in half and pounded 4 cutlets to make them thin. Then sauteed diced yellow onions, strips of red peppers and 3 cloves of garlic in about two tbs of EV olive oil for a few minutes until the onions are glazed and shiny. Then I added Mrs. Dash and cracked pepper to the mixture.

I added the cutlets and covered to steam cook it until browned on both sides. The aroma of the cutlets cooking permeates the whole kitchen so my family says! It makes them want to eat right at that moment!

I make up a white sauce with half cup of warm-hot water and 1 Tbl of flour or cornstarch. Then pour over the cutlets and cook another few minutes. Then its ready. Add a green salad or rice and steamed veges and you are in for a delicious meal!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Round Two-More Conscious Eating

For this round I tried Activity 2 - checked out a book called "Eat More, Weigh Less" by Dean Ornish. Some of the recipes seem easy while other have specific ingredients I do not usually have in the fridge or in the pantry.

One thing I am really conscious of now that I am tracking my food intake is that I drink less water than I should and not eating nearly as much veges as is needed the 5 servings per day. So I am working on these two items.

Also, I'm a cookie monster!!! I love cookies. A box each of Girl Scout Thanks A Lot crunchy fudge coated and Thin mints is wreaking sabotage with my snack intake. The good thing is I am keeping within my calorie range given by the Sparkpeople report.

No more buying GS cookies or donate them!

Activity #6: Familiarized myself further on food allergies from

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Round-One cont'd

Am becoming conscious of what I'm eating and portion size by jotting down what I eat.

I'll be using Nutrition tracker and joined Spark Team OCL.

Also, decided to closely examine the nutrition facts (when available) of everything I eat for the 1st 2 months. Learning what I "really" eat in terms of protein, carbs and fats will tell whether I'm eating healthy items or what things ought to be replaced. Not an easy venture.

I heard drinking a warm to hot cup of water with a piece of lemon upon rising in the morning helps to improve digestion. I just tried it this morning.

Monday, March 9, 2009

H & WC 2009

Round 1 Conscious Eating

I'm working on activity 3: not eating past 8PM or 2 hours before going to bed. I am eating a small bowl of cereal with 1% milk. I have noticed feeling more rested the next morning.

Also, aim to adjust the portion size for each food group.

My goal: Incorporate more vegetables and fruits into my daily food intake. Slowly I'd like to substitute less healthy items with the veges and fruits.