Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Round 8 - Exercise, Exercise...

For this round I have chosen to walk at least 20 minutes 3x a week around my neighborhood. I seek to really look at the sky and trees and houses as I walk. Take in the fresh air and the quietness of the area.

For ideas and articles I peruse favorite magazines like "Body and Soul" "Real Simple" and the Sparkpeople website.

Round 7 -Stress Free Zones

Some of my stress free zones are:

My 3-person swing in my backyard.

Looking out my bedroom window.

Spending time with my sons.

Round 6 - Stress Therapy

Some of the therapies I tried include:

Art - coloring with crayons

Receiving an inspirational quote every morning - called "Today's inspiration" for instance one quote by Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."

Playing games using my DS more often.